HP LaserJet 4000 Printer series - Label Mode Command

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Label Mode Command

Determines how the Label (LB) and Symbol Mode (SM) commands
interpret characters. Used for printing a 2-byte character set such as
WinJ-DBCS, GB2312, or Big-5.


LM(mode,[row number]:)








0, 1, 2, or 3

0 (8-bitmode)

row number


0 to 255


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2-98 Printer-Specific Differences



MODE. Determines the interpretation mode as follows:


Interprets each byte as a character (8-bit mode where
the default row_number equals “0”). Computed
character code is equal to (row_number * 256) + 8-bit
code sent in LB or SM command.


Interprets the next two bytes as a character (16-bit
mode). LB and SM commands will read two bytes to
form one 2-byte character code equal to (first_byte *
256) + second_byte. Label terminator and 8-bit control
codes must be preceded by a NULL byte. To turn
symbol mode off while in 16-bit mode, you must send
SM<NULL>; where NULL is ASCII or decimal 0.


Same logic as mode 0, except that vertical substitutes
are used if found in a VT segment of the current font.
Characters are rotated counter clock-wise to match the
vertical-rotated printing mode of the Character Text
Path Direction command. Default row_number equals


Same input logic as mode 1, except that vertical
substitutes are used if found in a VT segment of the
current font. Full width characters are rotated counter
clock-wise to match the vertical-rotated printing mode
of the Character Text Path Direction command.

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Printer-Specific Differences 2-99

Row Number. Used only in modes 0 and 2 (8-bit modes)

when a 16-bit character set is selected. The row number
indicates the first byte while the LB or SM instruction will
supply the second byte.

For example, if you send LMO,37, and you have selected a
16-bit character set, sending LBAB<TERM> would result in the
device printing characters 65 and 66 from row 37 of the
character set grid.

If you are using an 8-bit character set in 16-bit mode (modes 1
or 3), you must specify the first byte of each character as 0. All
other first byte values are treated as undefined characters.


• When LM switches modes, it turns off symbol mode (executes


• LM affects the way SM and LB interpret bytes.

• LM does not affect the DT or DL commands.

• DT allows 8-bit terminator definitions only. To terminate a label

in 16-bit mode, precede the current label terminator by the null
character (decimal 0). The only exception is the


E (Reset)

instruction in dual-context devices.


E is executed regardless

of the byte boundaries within LB and SM.

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