HP LaserJet 4Si Printer
The HP LaserJet 4Si printer is the follow-on to the HP LaserJet IIISi
printer. The HP LaserJet 4Si printer contains many new PCL features
over the HP LaserJet IIISi. PCL support for the HP LaserJet 4Si
printer is identical to the HP LaserJet 4 printer except for the addition
of the duplex feature, dual output bin (see Table 1-1) and resource
Like the HP LaserJet IIISi printer, the HP LaserJet 4Si supports the
HP LaserJet IIISi features listed in Table 2-1 with two exceptions.
First, is that the HP LaserJet 4Si does not support ITC Zapf Dingbats.
Font support for the HP LaserJet 4Si is identical to the HP LaserJet 4
printer (refer to Chapter 3, “Internal Typefaces/Fonts and Symbol
Sets,” for complete font support information). The other exception
concerns job separation. The PCL Job Separation command is not
supported. The HP LaserJet 4Si printer handles job separation
through the control panel. If a PCL Job Separation command is
received by the printer it will be ignored. Refer to the HP LaserJet 4Si
User’s Manual (part number C2010-90901) for additional information.
Resource saving, a new feature in the HP LaserJet 4Si printer, allows
saving information for the current language (PCL or PostScript) when
switching to the other language. If resource saving is enabled (from
the control panel or PJL; no PCL commands are required for this
operation), all the permanent fonts, macros, and user-defined
patterns plus some other miscellaneous data is saved in a reserved
portion of printer memory. This data is stored until the language is
enabled again. When the language is re-enabled, the stored data will
be made available for use.

Printer-Specific Differences 2-11