Configuration Command (AppleTalk)
The Configuration command allows a user to send PCL jobs to the
printer over AppleTalk. This data is sent in the form of “key/value” data
pairs (refer to “AppleTalk Configuration” below for more information).
&b#W [key]<sp>[value]
AppleTalk Configuration
The HP LaserJet 4 printer can be configured to receive PCL print jobs
over an AppleTalk connection using the Configuration command. The
HP LaserJet 4 MIO AppleTalk interfaces support three key values:
RENAME, JOB, and TYPE. These keys are used for configuring an
installed LocalTalk or EtherTalk MIO card to allow PCL print jobs
generated by a Macintosh host to be printed.
= Number of data bytes that follow command
= 0
= 0 - 32767
[key] can be 1 character through 32765 characters.
[value] can be 1 character through 32765 characters.

2-8 Printer-Specific Differences
PostScript in the HP LaserJet 4 printer supports the PostScript level 1
operators setprintername, AppleTalktype, and jobname, and the
PostScript level 2 setdevparams operator to allow PostScript print
jobs to change the Name Binding Protocol (NBP) printer name and
printer type, as well as change the print job name.
MIO sub-system in the printer accepts a new NBP printer name, NBP
printer type, and job name from either the PCL or PostScript
personalities. The printer passes that information across the MIO
interface to the installed MIO card which indicated support for the
MIO AppleTalk extensions. The MIO sub-system will treat the PCL
NBP type and the PostScript NBP type separately.
For information about AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol refer to
Inside AppleTalk published by Addison Wesley Company, Inc.
RENAME changes the printer name portion of the printer’s AppleTalk
Name Binding Protocol name field.
Valid characters for the printer name include 0-255 except for
characters $00, “@” ($40), “:” ($3A), “*” ($2A), “=” ($3D), and $C5.
The printername must contain at least one character, and only the
first 31 characters are used. If an invalid character ($00 is not treated
as an invalid character) is contained in the printername, the printer
will ignore the escape sequence. If the printer encounters the NULL
($00) character, the printer uses the NULL character to terminate the
printer name. All the characters preceding the NULL will be used. If
another device on the AppleTalk network uses the same printer
name, another character is added to the end of the printer name.
The default printername is the printer model (for example,
“HP LaserJet 4”).

Printer-Specific Differences 2-9
JOB renames the current job name.
All characters are valid. For the job name the first 127 characters are
There is no default jobname.
TYPE changes the type (device type) portion of the printer’s
AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol type field.
Valid characters for the device type include 0-255 except for
characters $00, “@” ($40), “:” ($3A), “*” ($2A), “=” ($3D), and $C5.
The devicetype must contain at least one character, and only the first
31 characters are used. If an invalid character ($00 is not treated as
an invalid character) is contained in the devicetype, the printer will
ignore the escape sequence. If the printer encounters the NULL ($00)
character in the devicetype, it uses the NULL character to terminate
the device type. All the characters preceding the NULL will be used
as the devicetype. If the device type is invalid then the printer's type is
not changed.
The default device type for PCL is “HP LaserJet 4” and for PostScript
is “LaserWriter”.

2-10 Printer-Specific Differences