Index 1
&b#W 2-7
# R 2-24
#O - Logical Operation 2-16
adaptive compression
IIIP 2-4
Adaptive Data Compression (ADC) 5-1
banded images 5-5
image separation 5-5
transmission guidelines 5-3
adaptive data compression (ADC) 2-4
advance full page (PG) command 2-109
alphanumeric ID command 2-78
configuration 2-7, 2-70
device type 2-9
PCL job support 2-7
RENAME 2-8, 2-70
type, PostScript 2-8
ZONE 2-70
arbitrary dither matrix sizes 2-85
assign color index command 2-69
base values, typeface 3-13
bitmap fonts, internal 3-2
conversion table B-35
downloading 5-6
enhancement segment 2-35, 2-46
enhancements 2-51
text path direction 2-33
CID command 2-69
commands 2-84
components 1, 2, and 3 2-69
foreground 2-69
lookup tables 2-69
Color LaserJet
4500 series printers 2-111
8500 series printers 2-119
Color LaserJet printer 2-69
alphanumeric ID 2-78
assign color index 2-69
change text path direction 2-33
configuration 2-7
end raster graphics 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
enter HP-GL/2 mode 2-84, 2-86
fill type HP-GL/2 5-6
foreground color 2-69
HP-GL/2 mode 2-86
job separation 2-2, 2-62
line type HP-GL/2 5-6
logical operation 2-16
MC (merge control) 2-28
mechanical print quality 2-84, 2-88
media destination (output bin) 2-77
media source 2-75
media type 2-84, 2-87
negative motion 2-89
number of copies 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
output bin 2-77
output bin selection 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
page size 2-2, 2-62
palette control 2-69
paper (media) source 2-75
paper type 2-106
pixel placement 2-24
PP (pixel placement) 2-27
print quality 2-88
push/pop palette 2-70
render algorithm 2-70, 2-103
simple color 2-70
text parsing method 2-32
text path direction 2-33
adaptive compression 2-4
transmission recommendations 5-4
compression methods, memory saving
configuration command 2-7
Configure Image Data (CID) command
conventions, manual 1-iii
corrections 1-5

2 Index
data transmission 5-4
decimal values
character B-35
printer commands A-1
default settings, factory 4-1
DeskJet 1200C printer 2-84
DeskJet 1600C printer 2-90
device type, AppleTalk 2-9
dither patterns 2-103
download dither matrix 2-69
downloading characters 5-6
duplex printing 2-1
EconoMode 2-60
economy mode, 4L 2-11
end raster graphics command 2-2, 2-62
enter HP-GL/2 mode command 2-84
factory default 4-1
saving 2-10
factory default
environment 4-1
settings 4-1
feature settings, default 4-1
fill type HP-GL/2 command 5-6
font format 16 2-31
font header format 16 2-34
font metric calculation 2-49
font selection
line printer substitution 3-2
symbol set ID values C-2
internal scalable 3-4
new header segments 2-35
TrueType 3-11
foreground color 2-69
frame anchor/MEt architecture 2-85
furigana (ruby characters) 2-53
galley character segment 2-35, 2-37
gamma correction 2-69
grid centered, pixel 2-24
grid intersection, pixel 2-24
hexadecimal values
character B-35
printer commands A-1
kind 1 values C-2
pixel placement command 2-27
polygon memory usage 5-6
HP-GL/2 mode command 2-86
I/O configuration 2-7
ID values, symbol set C-2
image adapt 5-2
initialization 2-48
internal fonts 3-1
internal symbol sets 3-1
mapping B-1
symbol set charts B-1
internal typefaces 3-1
ISO substitution characters B-34
job separation command
(4Si) 2-10
(IIISi) 2-2, 2-62
large fonts 2-34
1100 series printers 2-120
2100 series printers 2-120
4 Plus printer 2-60
4 printer 2-4
4000 series printers 2-105
4500 series printers 2-111
4L printer 2-11
4LC printer 2-71
4LJ printer 2-71
4M Plus printer 2-60
4M printer 2-4
4ML printer 2-12
4P printer 2-30
4PJ printer 2-31
4Si printer 2-10
4V/4MV printer 2-61
5000 series printers 2-107
5L printer 2-73
5MP printer 2-72
5P printer 2-72
5Si Mopier 2-104
5Si/5SiMx printers 2-74
6L printer 2-105
6P/6MP printers 2-104
8000 series printers 2-109
8100 series printers 2-110
8500 series printers 2-119
Color printer 2-69
III printer 2-1

Index 3
IIID printer 2-1
IIIP printer 2-2
IIISi printer 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
line printer font selection 3-2
line type HP-GL/2 command 5-6
logical operations 2-13
and transparency interactions 2-15
command 2-16
logical page area 1-36
manual conventions 1-iii
MC (merge control) command 2-28
mechanical print quality command 2-84
media destination (output bin) 2-77
media source command 2-75
media type command 2-84, 2-87, 2-106
LaserJet 5000 2-108
media type, selection by 2-78
character storage requirements 5-6
compression methods 5-5
polygon usage 5-6
print model 5-5
memory enhancement technology (MEt)
2-11, 2-60, 5-1
features 5-3
page protection 5-3
memory usage 5-1
font bitmaps 5-3
merge control command 2-28
monochrome print mode 2-69
MS Gothic 2-31
MS Mincho 2-31
name binding protocol (NBP) 2-8
negative motion 2-84
negative motion command 2-89
network, AppleTalk configuration 2-7
noise dither 2-85
notes 1-iii
number of copies 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
octal character values B-35
one-byte typeface values 3-13
operations, logical 2-13
output bin command 2-77
output bin selection command 2-2, 2-62,
LaserJet 4000 2-106
LaserJet 5000 2-107
page protection 5-4
MEt 5-3
page size command 2-2, 2-62, 2-70
LaserJet 8000 2-109
palette control command 2-69
paper (media) source command 2-75
LaserJet 4000 2-105
LaserJet 5000 2-107
LaserJet 8000 2-109
paper type command 2-106, 2-108
HP-GL/2 selection 5-6
memory usage 5-6
wide 5-6
default settings 4-1
feature support 1-1, 2-1
job over AppleTalk 2-7
printer commands A-1
PG command 2-109
pixel placement 2-24
command 2-24
HP-GL/2 command 2-27
PCL command 2-24
polygons, avoid multiple smaller 5-6
level 1 operators 2-8
level 2 operators 2-8
NBP 2-8
Powersave mode 2-60
PP command, HP-GL/2 2-27
print job initialization 2-48
print model 2-13
memory efficiency 5-5
print quality command 2-88
mechanical print quality command 2-88
printable area tables 1-36
printer commands
PCL - decimal and hexadecimal values
printer introduction dates 1-2
printer name, AppleTalk 2-8, 2-70
printing ruby characters (furigana) 2-53
proof and print 2-119
push/pop palette command 2-70
quality, print 2-88
raster graphics
adaptive compression (IIIP) 2-4
compression methods 5-5
transmission guidelines 5-3

4 Index
raster scaling 2-70, 2-84
render algorithm command 2-70, 2-103
resource saving
4 Plus/4M Plus 2-60
4Si 2-10
ROP3 logical operation 2-16
ruby characters (furigana) 2-53
scalable typefaces, internal 3-4
selection by media type 2-78
sending raster data to printer 5-4
set viewing illuminant command 2-70
setdevparams, PostScript 2-8
setprintername, PostScript 2-8
simple color command 2-70
string ID 2-78
symbol set
charts B-1
ID selection values C-2
ISO substitution characters B-34
kind 1 values C-2
scalable fonts 3-4
text parsing method command 2-32
text path direction, character 2-33
transfer raster graphics by plane 2-70
ADC recommendations 5-4
compression recommendations 5-4
transparency interactions and logical
operation 2-15
TrueType fonts 3-11
two-byte fonts 2-85
two-byte typeface values 3-13
type, AppleTalk 2-9
base values 3-13, C-6
family values C-6
one-byte values 3-13
two-byte values 3-13
value field 3-13
vendor values C-6
typeface field, scalable font descriptor
typeface string segment 2-35, 2-41
typefaces, internal scalable 3-4
clusters 2-57
printing 2-33
rotated characters 2-33
rotation segment 2-35, 2-44
substitution character segment 2-35
substitution characters 2-34
substitution segment 2-40
underlining 2-55
writing 2-52